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Thursday, October 1, 2020

MMDA Had Less Corruption, Improved Flood Mitigation in 2019

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority or MMDA has managed to reduce corruption among its enforcers as well as mitigate flood waters in Metro Manila in 2019. This is according to the recently released report from the Commission of Audit (COA).

Here are some highlights from the COA report:
  • Average travel time in 2019 on major thoroughfares is 2.57 minutes per kilometer (it fails the MMDA’s self-set target of 2.44 minutes per kilometer). According to the report, the failure is down to the increase in volume of motorized vehicles as well as the increased projects of the DPWH and DOTr.
  • It takes 15 minutes to resolve traffic obstructions along Metro Manila’s major thoroughfares, achieving their 100 percent target set for 2019.
  • There’s a 53.66 percent reduction in corruption reported in traffic operations.
  • 99.13 percent (2,280 traffic enforcers) were deployed at designated major intersections and thoroughfares at all times. The 2,300 target was not achieved due to the non-renewal of job contract, retirement, resignation, or termination of traffic personnel.
  • Reliability of traffic signal lights, CCTVs, and countdown timers is at 97 percent.
  • It takes 15-30 minutes for floodwaters to subside (assuming a 40mm/hr rainfall intensity).
  • Percentage of flooded areas have decreased by 33.54 percent.
  • Pumping stations have reported a 100 percent reliability rate.
  • Projects completed prior to the onset of rainy season? 0 percent. The woeful number is down to several circumstances such as the time elapsed between the preliminary engineering studies and procurement process, and unforeseen events and issues which tend to occur affecting the supposed implementation of the projects.
What sort of grade will you give the MMDA in terms of improving traffic and mitigating floods?

Source: Car Guides PH

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