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Friday, October 30, 2020

Top tweets: Teddyboy to fight for Angel Locsin; Trillanes believes De Lima not a drug queen; DFA chief gives cash aid to OFW

  1. Teddyboy defends Angel Locsin: ‘Anyone who messes with her will get it’

2. De Lima not a drug queen; cases invented by Duterte — Trillanes

3. ‘We are not animals:’ Locsin gives P200k to Filipina worker maltreated by envoy, says DFA helps the helpless

4. Angara thanks Speaker Velasco for swift transmittal of 2021 budget bill: Senate to begin plenary debate early Nov

5. Di boto kay Bistek? Locsin advises Kris Aquino vs dating ‘aged toddler’

6. Suicides on the rise: Hontiveros warns vs mental health pandemic over inadequate program funds

Numbers of suicide are on the rise. P23 for each of the 3.6 million Filipinos who suffer from mental health disorders is…

Posted by Senator Risa Hontiveros on Thursday, October 29, 2020

7. Thank lucky stars PH has Duterte amid coronavirus pandemic, Locsin says

8. Robredo team tests negative for coronavirus; VP hopes she is COVID-free too

9. Isa kang alamat! Ejercito salutes PWD Grab driver

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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