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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Robredo one of the busiest in helping people during pandemic, Ejercito says

Vice President Leni Robredo deserves credit for her contribution in addressing the coronavirus emergency, as far as former Senator JV Ejercito is concerned.

In a post on Twitter, Ejercito commended Robredo’s hard work in helping people during the coronavirus pandemic. He said the Office of the Vice President was able to encourage people to pitch in despite its meager resources.

“VP @lenirobredo may not be my partymate but we have to give due credit, she has been one of the busiest in helping people during the Pandemic,” Ejercito tweeted.

“Give the meager resources of the OVP, she was able to ask friends & people to do their share to help,” he said.

The Senate finance panel earlier agreed to restore the Office of the Vice President’s full 2021 budget at P723 million during the budget hearing Wednesday. The budget department earlier proposed a P679.7 million budget for the OVP, reducing Robredo’s proposal by P45 million.

In recent weeks, Robredo has openly criticized the government’s alleged weak pandemic response. President Duterte defended the government’s efforts, telling Robredo to avoid reckless statements and not “add fuel to the fire.”

Ejercito, in another tweet, commented about the value of constructive criticism. He said such criticism should be welcomed as long as it is not destructive.

“Would rather have criticisms that has intent to improve situation that to hear all good things just to be able to be in good graces. Ang totoong tao sasabihin ang katotohanan, masakit man ito,” he said.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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