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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

‘Back off you lazy, incompetent fool:’ Trillanes tells Duterte that Robredo was gov’t face during typhoon

Back off.

Former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has defended Vice President Leni Robredo from the latest tirade of President Duterte. Trillanes accused the incumbent leader of being “lazy and incompetent” while Robredo rushed to the aid of typhoon victims.

The former senator included the hashtag #DefendVPLeni in his latest statement posted on Facebook.

“Back off, you lazy, incompetent fool! VP Leni did her duty and more. In fact, she was THE FACE OF GOVERNMENT during the typhoon.Di natin pwede payagan to. Let us all speak out and #DefendVPLeni,” he wrote on Facebook.

Duterte railed against Robredo for supposedly lying about his absence during the typhoon’s onslaught last week. He also lashed out at Robredo for alleged grandstanding when she tried to make it appear she was directing the government’s typhoon relief efforts.

Robredo, who kept the public updated about her team’s relief efforts via social media, has denied asking the President’s whereabouts during the calamity. She also said she was not trying to compete with Duterte in delivering aid to the storm victims. She said there was no space for egos when lives are at stake.

Back off, you lazy, incompetent fool! VP Leni did her duty and more. In fact, she was THE FACE OF GOVERNMENT during the typhoon. Di natin pwede payagan to. Let us all speak out and #DefendVPLeni.

Posted by Antonio “Sonny” Trillanes IV on Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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