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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Duterte: Let’s not make disputed sea a locus of power play

By Prince Golez

President Rodrigo Duterte appealed to all claimant states in the South China Sea (SCS) not to make the disputed sea region a “locus of power play.”

In his intervention during the 15th East Asia Summit, Duterte reiterated his call for a peaceful resolution to the tensions in the South China Sea.

Apart from China and the Philippines, other claimants to the resource-rich waterway are Brunei, Malaysia, the Taiwan, and Vietnam.

“Our disputes in the [South] China Sea may seem intractable. But they are not greater than our combined capacity to manage and solve,” the Chief Executive said Saturday.

“Let us [not] make the South China Sea another locus of power play. It is a dangerous game to play and one without a victor,” he added.

Duterte also urged claimants to avoid escalating tensions and promotion confidence-building measures instead.

“Let us lower tensions, not raise them; build confidence rather than doubts; listen and understand instead of threaten,” he said.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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