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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Half of Mitsubishi Models Will be Electrified by 2030

The future is electric for Mitsubishi Motors as the carmaker announced plans to curb its CO2 emissions from new cars and business activities by 40 percent, while raising the proportion of electrified vehicles, in terms of total sales, to 50 percent by 2030.

Under their newly formulated Environmental Plan for the next 30 years, the Japanese carmaker will invest heavily in electrified vehicles, specifically its Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) technology. Furthermore, they will not abandon the traditional internal combustion engine (ICE), but will seek to improve its fuel efficiency.

Aside from curbing tailpipe emissions, Mitsubishi says they will introduce renewable sources of energy at their assembly plants, while also developing materials that are not derived from oil. They will also promotion recycling, particularly when it comes to their cars’ battery packs.

In the Philippines, Mitsubishi has not just brought in the Outlander PHEV, but has tapped five of its showrooms to become Dendo Drive Stations.

In addition to standard showroom functions such as new vehicle sales and aftersales services, the Dendo Drive Station concept features solar power system and vehicle to home (V2H) equipment. This system allows the charging of EVs and PHEVs at the showroom as well supplying electricity from EVs and PHEVs back to the showroom.

Source: Car Guides PH

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