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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Duterte pledges to work ‘constructively’ with European Union

By Prince Golez

The Philippine government is ready to work “constructively” with the European Union (EU) for the “greater good” of the people, President Rodrigo Duterte said Wednesday.

Duterte made the statement after he received the credentials of EU Ambassador Luc Veron in a ceremony held in Malacañan Palace.

In his speech, the Chief Executive said deep respect for democracy and the rule of law by the Philippines and the EU will serve as a “solid foundation” for robust cooperation on the basis of mutual trust, respect and benefit.
“Ours is a longstanding relationship dating back to 1964. We should continue to redefine, refine, and reinforce our ties in the face of new challenges and opportunities,” according to him.

Duterte said he was encouraged by the launch of the first sub-committee on good governance, rule of law and human rights under their Partnership and Cooperation Agreement on February 5, adding that “this signifies our shared resolve to implement this landmark agreement, notwithstanding the pandemic.”

The President stressed the need to intensify trade and investment through a free trade agreement and pushed for partnership with the EU on the protection and promotion of all rights, especially the human rights of migrant workers.

“We are also ready to further enhance cooperation on climate change and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Those most responsible for climate change must be held to account even as we work together to build our communities’ resilience and preparedness,” he said.

Duterte also thanked the trading bloc for its support to the country’s justice sector and peacebuilding and development efforts in Mindanao, particularly the Bangsamoro.

For his part, Veron cited the growing diplomatic relationship between the EU Union and the Philippines over the past six decades.

“Our shared interests and values are a strong basis for a partnership based on respect and mutual benefit and in pursuit of the effective implementation of the EU-PH Partnership and Cooperation Agreement”, he said.

The envoy underscored the importance of strengthening multilateralism and cooperation on bilateral, regional and global issues, as well as, the significance of furthering trade and investment, promoting maritime security and maintaining open and safe shipping routes.

Veron also mentioned the EU’s efforts to fight climate change and its role in humanitarian aid, civil protection and disaster preparedness.

“The EU stands prepared for all times to support the Philippines in case of natural emergencies like most lately following Typhoon Goni and Vamco. The EU is ready to work as well with the Philippines — with the Philippine government on disaster preparedness,” he said.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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