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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Angara alarmed by overcrowded hospitals, cites need to ramp up bed capacities

Senator Sonny Angara said on Wednesday there is an urgent need to ramp up the bed capacities of the hospitals nationwide so that patients will not be turned away amid the surge of cases during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The chair of the Senate finance committee said it was alarming to hear reports about patients being turned away by the hospitals no matter how severe their condition, because they were already in full capacity.

“The current surge in cases of Covid-19 and its new variants has given us a rude awakening as to how much more we have to go to strengthen our health system,” Angara said.

“We must start to ramp up the capacities of our hospitals so that every Filipino who needs medical attention will get the care they deserve,” he said.

Angara has filed Senate Bill 1850 or the proposed Healthcare Facility Augmentation Act, which seeks to establish hospitals in every state university and college (SUC) offering a medical degree.

Each of these hospitals will have a bed capacity of not less than 50 beds within the grounds of the SUCs.

Apart from increasing the bed capacity, the establishment of hospitals in SUCs will also serve as the training ground for medical students of the SUCs.

“Right now even the biggest of hospitals in Metro Manila are at full capacity, and the number of active cases of Covid-19 continues to go up. We need more hospitals and doctors at the soonest possible time,” Angara said.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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