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Monday, April 5, 2021

Erap’s pneumonia worsens, now assisted by ventilator — Jinggoy

Former President Joseph Estrada’s health condition has worsened based on a latest medical bulletin.

Estrada, who tested positive for the coronavirus disease, is now placed on a ventilator after his pneumonia worsened, according to his son Jinggoy Estrada.

The younger Estrada has been updating the public about the health condition of his father since his coronavirus infection last week. The medical bulletins are posted on his Facebook page.

“Yesterday, my father’s condition suffered a setback as his pneumonia worsened,” the former senator wrote on Facebook.

“Because of this and the resulting increase in oxygen requirement, his doctors decided to place him on mechanical ventilation,” he said.

He said placing Estrada on a ventilator would help “improve oxygen delivery as well as to prevent the tiring of his respiratory mechanism.”

Jinggoy remained optimistic about his father’s recovery, calling him a “fighter.” He also appealed anew for prayers for his father’s strength and recovery.

“My father has always been a fighter and I hope that with the help of your prayers he will win this battle,” he said.

“Pls continue praying for his immediate recovery. Thank you very much,” he said.

#2 MEDICAL BULLETIN OF FMR. PRES. JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA: Yesterday, my father’s condition suffered a setback as his…

Posted by JE Estrada on Monday, April 5, 2021

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Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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