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Monday, May 24, 2021

Mayor Belmonte gets vaccinated, urges people to line up for shots

Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte received the first shot of the coronavirus vaccine without demanding special treatment.

Belmonte registered online to get her vaccine appointment and lined up for the shot.
The mayor tested positive for the coronavirus last month but has already recovered from the illness.

“Today I joined the thousands of QCitizens who are now vaccinated against COVID-19,” she tweeted on May 24, 2021.

“Although I am part of the A1 category, I decided to wait until most of those in the identified priority groups had been vaccinated. Also, after just recovering from COVID-19 last month, I did not see the need for me to be vaccinated immediately,” she said.

Belmonte said like many other QC residents, she booked her vaccination appointment through the EZConsult website. She got the COVID-19 jab at a vaccination site in Ateneo Monday afternoon. It was the 322,056th dose administered in the city.

Belmonte also urged other people to get vaccinated, believing it would help protect them from the illness.

“While it is our right to refuse a particular brand of vaccine, health experts are one in saying that the best vaccine is the one readily available, the one that is in your arm,” she said.

She discouraged people from becoming choosy with vaccine brand. She said vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration are “equally safe and effective.”

“Herd immunity cannot be achieved, if we all wait for a preferred vaccine brand based on a notion that it is of a higher quality or more prestigious,” she said.

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Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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