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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Duterte ‘nervous’ about potential spread of Omicron in PH: Depleted na ‘yung pera

By Prince Golez

President Rodrigo Duterte has raised concern over a looming Covid-19 surge due to the Omicron variant.

On Tuesday, Duterte admitted that the government is running out of funds, citing crisis-related spending.

“Kung it would be as bad as the previous viruses already nandito, medyo natatakot lang ako. You know, somehow kinakabahan ako. Let me be frank to the public, depleted na ‘yung pera talaga ng Pilipinas, even coping up with the growing expenses for the typhoon victims,” the President said in his pre-recorded Talk to the People address.

“Pinag-aano namin, ni-walis nga kung ano pang matira, ubusin na lang and we might get more funds. Pagpatong ng 2022 may alibyo na tayo because we operate on the new budget. Ang problema lang far and between the days that’s coming our way, celebration and all, baka nga makalusot talaga ‘yang Omicron as earlier than expected,” he also said.

Should the new variant spread quickly through the Philippines, Duterte said it would require “a huge expenditure again.”

“Iyon ang kinakatakot ko. It would require a huge expenditure again to meet the challenges of the new variant,” he added.

The Department of Health said it has recorded three imported cases of the Omicron Covid-19 variant in the country.

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Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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