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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Ecuador VP resigns just 8 months out from election

Ecuador’s Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner announced his resignation on Tuesday, just eight months away from the 2021 general election.

“It’s not an easy decision, the easiest would have been to stay, but I’ve never done what’s most comfortable for me,” said Sonnenholzner in an official statement published on television and radio.

“I’ve always said I’m not here for the position, nor for the salary, nor for the honors, and that the moment I feel this position is becoming an impediment to serve and contribute to the country’s most relevant issues, I prefer to leave as I came and that’s what I’ll do.”

Sonnenholzner, who was appointed to the position in December 2018, gave no indication as to whether or not he would seek to run for president.

The National Assembly must still decide whether or not to accept his resignation and, if so, elect a new vice president.

Agence France-Presse

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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