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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Regulate Netflix? Overregulating the internet is not a good idea, Angara says

Senator Sonny Angara is opposed to the proposed regulation of online streaming platforms like Netflix.

For Angara, any excessive regulation of the internet is a bad idea.

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board earlier earned flak when it proposed to regulate the content of Netflix and other online streaming services. The agency said films shown on such platforms are under the authority of the board.

“Overregulating the internet is not a good idea; Laws shouldn’t stand in the way of progress,” Angara tweeted.

Angara also said it is unlikely the law would allow the overregulation of internet content.

“Is PD 1986 applicable to the internet/Netflix? Should Congress overregulate internet content? Most would say No,” he said.

He also agreed that the world can’t be viewed with old lenses as the streaming services have changed the entertainment industry. He made the comment after netizen tweeted about the MTRCB losing its

@siRCApoako tweeted: “The agency is losing relevance in the light of the changes in the entertainment industry. Movie houses may soon be a thing of the past, so is traditional TV.”

Angara commented: “True. Can’t view the world with old lenses.”

The post Regulate Netflix? Overregulating the internet is not a good idea, Angara says first appeared on Latest Philippine politics news today.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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