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Sunday, November 1, 2020

‘Strongest typhoon, weakest government:’ #NasaanAngPangulo trends on Twitter

Where in the world is President Duterte?

Many netizens are wondering about the whereabouts of the President as super typhoon Rolly lashed across the country.

They used the #NasaanAngPangulo hashtag to voice their concern about the President on Twitter while the nation faces the strongest typhoon this year. Shortly after, the hashtag landed as the top trending topic on Twitter Sunday.

Some Twitter users criticized the alleged weak and incompetent government in the face of the typhoon. Others commented that the country’s leader should be in the front lines in times of calamities.

@micoblanko wrote: “We got the strongest typhoon and the weakest government…#NasaanAngPangulo.”

@imkerwinking commented: “Leaders in times of trouble should be in front of the battlefield. Nation first before anything else. But what do we expect from Duterte? #NasaanAngPangulo? He’s probably planning to just “sampalin ko yang typhoon Rolly na yan”. The marginalized will be most impacted. Tanginaaa.”

@boombero tweeted: “The Philippines is bracing for the strongest typhoon in 2020 and yet we haven’t heard any public address yet from the president. #RollyPH #NasaanAngPangulo.”

Other netizens mocked the President’s absence during the calamity, suspecting he is allegedly sleeping inside his kulambo.

@rachelsabando commented: “Andito na si #RollyPH pero #NasaanAngPangulo Previous admin planned ahead for Yolanda, but the current one is just about to meet today (hours after the landfall).”

@dearzeggie tweeted: “True Philippine Ghost Story: Your country is facing a national calamity. Your President is miles away safe in his kulambo. #NasaanAngPangulo.

@ako_si_yan said: “Perfect combination for catastrophe: Worst calamities + weakest government + incompetent president #NasaanAngPangulo? Wala. Tulog. May sakit. Nag-Netflix and chill!”

Check out the other tweets from netizens looking for the President.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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