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Monday, May 10, 2021

Poe resolution commends Non, other community pantry volunteers

Senator Grace Poe has filed a proposed Senate resolution commending Ana Patricia Non and the volunteers of hundreds of community pantries all over the country for igniting the true Bayanihan spirit of Filipinos amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

In proposed Senate Resolution 714, Poe said the “more than 6,700 community pantries now in existence across the country show that one’s act of generosity can spark a movement and set in motion a phenomenon of giving and sharing.”

“The proliferation of community pantries all over the country is proof that the Filipino bayanihan spirit is alive and many Filipinos remain willing to help despite experiencing hardships themselves,” the chair of the Senate public services committee said.

“This spirited moment of selflessness amid the pandemic must be encouraged and aided by the government to ensure the implementation of health and safety protocols instead of closing it down or subjecting it to red-tagging,” Poe added.

Aside from giving food and nourishment to thousands, the first community pantry encouraged kindness and compassion, re-awakened the sense of solidarity among Filipinos, and inspired many more to do the same,” she said.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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