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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sotto eyes bigger role for VP

A bigger role in government would be an added incentive for Senate President Vicente Sotto III to run for vice president in the 2022 elections.

Sotto said Monday he wants the role of the vice president “upgraded” to handling other roles – such as dealing with the illegal drugs problem in his case.

“If we can upgrade the Vice President into something, if the Vice President would handle the problem on illegal drugs and drug abuse,” Sotto, who has been vocal against the illegal drug problem, said on ANC when asked what would make him run for the vice presidency.

He said that while President Rodrigo Duterte briefly had Vice President Leonor Robredo be co-chair against illegal drugs, the problem was that the administration concentrated on enforcement.

“What happened? They concentrated on enforcement, the larger picture is the problem on drug abuse,” he said.

Other than that, Sotto said he is not discounting retiring altogether from politics.

Sotto, who turns 73 on Aug. 24, has been in politics since 1988 when he served as vice mayor of Quezon City. He won his first Senate term in 1992.

“That’s if I do away with the other inclination which is to retire,” he said when asked if he would run for vice president.

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Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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