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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Fake it ‘til you make it! Lazy lawmaker covers up sessions snub with media mileage

Lazy Lawmaker (LL) lost interest in working after pulling out all stops to win in the elections.

LL considers the COVID-19 pandemic a blessing in disguise because it meant LL didn’t have to physically attend sessions. The Senate and House of Representatives restricted the physical attendance of lawmakers at the plenary since last year as a precautionary measure against COVID-19.

Prior to the pandemic, LL saw the need to go to office to show the appearance of working and because of the opportunity to be interviewed by reporters. But because of the health crisis, LL has an excuse to stay at home or do anything else but work.

Politiko’s source said LL hasn’t set foot in the building for more than a year since the pandemic began. That’s even if LL’s colleagues are expected to show up from time to time to participate in plenary proceedings.

“It seems LL has forgotten a lawmaker’s responsibilities right after being elected,” Politiko’s source said.

Despite the perennial absence, LL maintains the image of a hardworking legislator by being open to virtual interviews. Just recently, LL sent tongues wagging when LL was photographed with Sought After Personality (SP).

Too busy to work? LL is more preoccupied getting in SP’s good graces.

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Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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