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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Guevarra advises LGUs: Enact ordinances for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

Rather than waiting for a law to be passed, local government units can go ahead and pass ordinances that would require persons to get vaccines against the COVID-19 virus.

“Theoretically, a local ordinance compelling all residents within the territory of the LGU to get themselves vaccinated against COVID-19 may be enacted even without a national law on the matter,” Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said on Thursday (Sept. 30).

“But like all other laws and ordinances invoking police power, it may be challenged in court by anyone on the issue of reasonableness, among others,” he added.

Guevarra recently said that “there must be a law making anti-Covid vaccination mandatory.”

He pointed this out after President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to use police powers against those who still refuse to get vaccinated.

Guevarra said “this power, especially if accompanied by penalties or sanctions to enforce obedience or compliance, must be exercised through the legislature.”

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Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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