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Monday, September 7, 2020

Martin Andanar lauds PCOO-attached agencies over audit compliance

By Prince Golez

Communications Secretary Martin Andanar welcomed a Commission on Audit (COA) report giving the News and Information Bureau (NIB), Bureau of Communication Services (BCS), and the Presidential Broadcast Staff-Radio Television Malacañang (PBS-RTVM) the highest audit rating for calendar year 2019.

The NIB, BCS, and the PBS-RTVM are attached agencies of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), the lead communications arm of the government.

“With our constant bid to fight all forms of corruption in any government transaction, especially those that involve the PCOO, we laud our attached agencies—the NIB, BCS, and the PBS-RTVM—for receiving the highest audit rating from the COA for the calendar year of 2019,” Andanar said in a statement late Sunday.

He also said the unqualified audit opinion is the “best citation a government agency can receive from COA on matters of appropriately presenting their respective financial statements during an audit.”

PCOO’s collective commitment to provide full accountability and transparency surrounding the use of public funds reflects highly the administration’s reforms to fight corruption, according to him.

“We will continue to ensure that no taxpayer’s money is wasted on unnecessary or anomalous transactions or end up lining the pockets of unscrupulous government officials,” Andanar concluded.

The post Martin Andanar lauds PCOO-attached agencies over audit compliance first appeared on Latest Philippine politics news today.

Source: Latest Politics News Today (

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